Life with Baby Cordelia

30 Sep

Well, it has been a long hiatus from blogging. As the saying goes, what a difference a year makes. In these past two years, I have gotten married and recently have given birth to Baby Cordelia. I’ll talk abt marriage another day, and today on Baby C.

When we first found out that I was pregnant last December, I was thinking ‘is this for real?’ It happened so much faster than I expected. I honestly felt so unprepared to be a mum!

Pregnancy was actually not too bad for me. Granted that I did get the morning sickness and fatigue, peppered with leg cramps and frequent toilet trips in the night during the first trimester, second trimester was a breeze and we even went to Perth for our Babymoon! Third trimester was when I started to feel heavy and had recurring bad heartburn. I only have the occasional cravings, which can be easily satisfied. Think chicken rice, fish ball noodles, fish slice soup, corn…etc.

B has been a very endearing husband, sending me to and fetching me from work everyday so I won’t be too tired. We also attended an anenatal course to get prepared for childbirth and he was there with me every single gynae visit. It’s really sweet of him to collect and put together all the ultrasound scans into an album to document the growth of our baby. And there were our ‘supper nights’ when he’ll prepare snacks to satisfy my hunger pangs (and he ate alongside me haha). Also, i find it kindda strange to talk to my tummy but he talks to baby everyday 🙂 Apparently, Baby C really enjoys 武侠片 because she moves around alot whenever we watch 神雕侠侣 at night.

My EDD is 12 August and for some reason I keep thinking that even if baby decides to come earlier, it would probably be in early aug. So I applied for maternity leave with that in mind. Then it happened during one of the regular gynae visit on 27 July that my blood pressure suddenly shot up very high, so much so that I had to be admitted that night and induced the next morning. I was also 1.5cm dilated. That night which I spent in the observation ward and delivery suite was pretty much a sleepless one.

B came early in the morning and shortly after, my gynae arrived. I was put on drip (super painful) to make the contraction start and given some laughing gas (which made me feel floaty and quite high) before he broke my water bag. It felt like a warm sensation, almost like I wet myself. Shortly after, I decided to take the epidural, and it was administered quite early. Having read horror stories abt epidural, I was expecting it to hurt a lot but surprisingly it was quite bearable! So after all these were done, the waiting begins.

From 830am to late afternoon, I felt pretty alright, perhaps cos my lower body felt quite numb from the epidural. But toward 5pm, I started to feel the contractions getting stronger. It got to a point where it felt really intense and uncomfortable, like when you have really bad menstrual cramps and a stronge urge to poo. Yet I had to resist and hold it becos I was not fully dilated yet. I rmb breathing deeply into th oxygen mask and B trying to distract me by talking to me abt all the yummy food he’ll bring me to have after delivery. But it got to a point when I started tearing as it was all abit too much.

Finally at around 545pm, it was time to start pushing. And boy did I push with all my might! B was beside me encouraging me and ‘pushing’ along with me. Actually if not for the fact that I was so breathless and giddy from pushing, I might have laughed cos it was quite funny to hear him make the ‘mmmmmmmm’ sound. At 6.13pm, Baby C was born.

What I remember most clearly was the moment I heard Baby Cordelia’s cry and when they put her onto my chest, I felt so incredibly overwhelmed that I burst into tears. B kissed me on my forehead. And we finally met our little one for the first time.

Today, Baby Cordelia is 2 months and 3 days old. She is now a chubby baby who have learned to smile and coo when we talk to her or play with her. To say that our life has been turned topsy-turvy is really an understatement. Sleep has now become a luxury and I have officially become the in-house cow lols. Breastfeeding is as hard as I expected (it still is though I have gotten a better hang of it) but I will preserve for at least 6 months. And I’m so glad for my mum’s support throughout the confinement period and even now. Also, I felt like our families have gotten even closer now with Baby C around.

It hasn’t been a bed of roses, there are rough days and then there are those funny and precious moments which have us laughing at how adorable Baby C is. Everyday I’m learning something new abt her. Like how her loud farts and burps resembles that of her dad (haha!). Like how she loves being clean and usually she would be the smiliest after the morning bath.

Well, the days are long but the years are short. Tired as it may get, I’m sure it will be all worthwhile when we see Baby Cordelia blossom into a sweet little girl. We all love you so much, baby girl.


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