Going back to black

11 May

Felt like i haven’t blogged forever. What was my last entry about ? I think i’ve pretty much enjoyed the one week of break and did almost everything that i wanted to…baked. shopped. had good food. drank. pubbed. clubbed. slacked. BOF-ed. RC-ed. Except K, which will be next week ! Oh and i wanna have another sushi making session !

Tomorrow will be the official start of my internship. Can’t help but feel the pre-work jitters, simply cos i haven’t been ‘working’ for so long. Hope everything goes well.

Anyway, just an update ! Maybe i can blog away my jitters haha. (at the same time i’m wondering how on earth i’m gonna fall asleep at 1am and wake up ard 6am) I’m such a 4am/2pm person. darn.

Yup, i finally, FINALLY got down to baking.

Mini strawberry cheesecakes ! They don’t look that pretty but taste fab ! and ahem ‘experimental’ Mini mocha tarts

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Baking is always immensely fun and satisfying. Did it with yee this time round and we headed to timbre in the evening.

Conclusion of the night: Never go to timbre at the substation cos it’s just TOO hot and stuffy. (we had wanted to go to the one at the arts house but it was closed for private event). The pizza is spectacular though, you’ll know when you see the pic. We had roasted duck + buffalo chicken combi.

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And of cos, the night wouldn’t be complete without…

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Sangria (which i recommend to all my girlfriends without fail)

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Fav beer (I still don’t think beer goes well with pizza)

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And champagne to round off the night !



Met huiqi there ! Having her post-exams celebration with friends 🙂


Too bad we cld only stay for the first set but the surrounding ain’t making us comfortable, so that’s that. But the legendary pizza is indeed worth trying heh.

Met the girls for sakae teppanyaki the next day and the only pic i got was this. haha.

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That was the starter salad. I think after that we were all too busy eating and chatting away. It was not bad, but like i forgot who said it, the chef is really, really generous with the oil. He sprinkles it like it’s water.

Headed to iluma after and chilled at coffee bean and did a lil shopping at bugis village after. Everybody’s finally done with exams 🙂

And friday night…was supposedly a stay-home-and-slack-a-lot day but ended up at double O. last min clubbing. with a dramatic episode.

We had originally planned to sit by the river but the weather is simply unbearable and we NEEDED some aircon. Heh these are reasons, not excuses.

Anyway the night was really fun and we broke our records with 4 tequila shots and 1 jagerbomb each (what with double O and the dirt cheap drinks all night). Feels great to let loose after cramming for the exams (even when i was running a fever).

The drama came when some guys were pushing their luck too far. There was a point when i got really pissed and did something quite unimaginable on hindsight. and very, very unlike me. That of which involved me pushing two guys and asking them to fuck off. They must have been shocked but then backed off soon after. like wow, i amazed myself. Must have been one of my most aggressive moment ever. Some guys just don’t know their limits.

Anyway come saturday and i had my first taste of the really really really x 100 delicious 田鸡粥 at geylang 😀 Thanks to lei who brought me there, was a great recommendation. I also found the best yogurt ice cream along the way ! It’s called yoguru, be sure to try it if you have a chance. Ahh i seem to be pigging out everywhere lols.

Today marks the last day of ‘freedom’ and i haven’t even decided what to wear/bring to work tomorrow. But i did buy myself a pretty pair of wedges for the first day of work 🙂 I must have more confidence in myself.

Am looking forward to getting more decent shoes though, cos i just cleared out my ‘shoedrob’ today. Didn’t quite realise i fancy white shoes so much (I have like 6 pairs which is white based) !

And i have finally decided on what to do with my hair. I’m not going to rebond nor dye it anymore. At least not in the near future. I’m gonna grow my healthy hair out, cont trimming my damaged parts and embrace my waves ! Hahaha…that means i might be going back to black. Back to square one.

Any further investment on my hair will either be treatments or perhaps a few years down the road, a perm ? 😉 Gonna make a change to my style.

Ok gotta go bathe so my hair will dry in time for me to turn in early ! Ta~

5 Responses to “Going back to black”

  1. ej May 11, 2009 at 4:31 pm #

    haha. tt was so fierce la! i shall not comment on your shopping lest i kena…

  2. li May 11, 2009 at 8:58 pm #

    hahaha.. regarding ur tarts, i can only say “looks can be deceiving”… the mocha one LOOKS nice, but *ahem*

    jiayou for work!
    blog abt it! :DD

  3. yee May 12, 2009 at 10:56 am #

    wah u’re so garang, go n push 2 guys.. haha.. i think u’ll only do tt when u’re half drunk right 😛

  4. identityindensity May 12, 2009 at 10:30 pm #

    wow. someone’s been drinking quite a bit huh. LOL
    anyway im back from kuching, tan and blonde! wahahahah
    meet up for dinner!

  5. lolapop May 13, 2009 at 7:26 am #

    ej: haha yar yar i will stomp all over you LOLS

    li: hehe yeah this time i have to agree 😛 Hope work has been fine for you !

    yee: ehh they really REALLY deserve it lor those bastards

    wen: Blonde ?? you went to dye ur hair again arh haha. Yeah dinner, any weekday evening also can or next weekend 🙂 !

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