Of ALL times

30 Apr

What a great time to fall sick. Of all times, 4 days before my final papers. GREAT. And to add on to that point, i HARDLY EVER fall sick. If mugging is horrible, mugging while you’re sick is HELL. But like i have a choice.

But anyway i have learnt a lot from the trip to the doc. (And the med are working like miracle) Anyway while i was waiting for my turn in the clinic i was just thinking how miserable it must be to be working there. I mean, no entertainment and anything, just a lot of sick ppl. It just looks like a dull place. I don’t know, but i haven’t been in a clinic where people (working there) look cheerful before.

Anyhow, the doctor was really friendly and nice, and in the midst of the consultation i was actually reminded of my health comms module ! The chapter on doctor-patient relationship/communication or something. This doc is really quite different from others i have seen cos he explained a lot of things to me (even brought out diagram), which was pretty useful and that i never knew.

I think i took the looooooongest time in his office, like 20 mins. The clinic was kindda empty when i went in, but filled when i came out.

Then the doc said my blood pressure is a little high =( darn. time to cut down on salty stuff.

4 Responses to “Of ALL times”

  1. sam May 1, 2009 at 12:52 am #

    dont fall sick!
    eh but you already are…….
    get well soon!

    all the best for the rest of your papers.

  2. ej May 1, 2009 at 9:27 am #

    haha. too much sinful food… u need a personal fitness trainer 😀 $50/hr – good friend bonus!!!


  3. lolapop May 1, 2009 at 11:51 am #

    sam: yupyup, i’m fast recovering…still needa fight war lols !

    ej: FOREVER trying to earn extra $$, from friends somemore tsk tsk. Good friend bonus should = FREE. haha. still dunnoe what’s in my diet that’s really bad. maybe snacks =P

  4. yee May 4, 2009 at 1:00 pm #

    haha yah lorz, ej scared no money next time to woo girls lahz..
    anyway, take care of urself! it is really a bad time to fall sick. i’ll exercise with u after ur exams are over!

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