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29 Nov

Behold my newest obsession:

Because it is just TOO pretty and fun to use. Indeed the perfect replacement for my lovely samsung clam phone in purple which died a horrible death (broken into two pieces) on me way back in JC2.

Loving my first touch screen phone very, very much 🙂 ! (Yes i know i’m kindda outdated haha)


4 Oct

1. I did get lucky. Will be heading to Sichuan from 13 Dec-27 Dec for OCIP. I hope it snows during christmas =)

2. I made potato salad to celebrate extension of essay deadlines. It was yummy and they’re all gone now haha.

3. Went to Shangri-La’s The Line for lunch buffet. The presentation of food were very nice, but the taste didn’t wow me. I was particularly impressed by their salad bar though. It was the only thing i had second servings of. And probably how pretty their desserts looked (but didn’t match up in area of taste) Photos will be up after i get them from cuzzie.

4. Does stress proportionately equals to shopping for clothes? I’ve a feeling it does =S *Glances at my wardrobe*

Red, white, pineapple tarts

9 Aug

Baked again ! Pineapple tarts this time round, am quite pleased with them, having received a fair bit of compliments, so here’s some BIG pics of them haha. Guess they’ll appear again the coming new year 😉

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Close up

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And we went back for our event, NDOC ! Though we cldn’t see it through to the very last week, was quite happy to see our one month of effort materialise before us. Many thanks to eileen, who probably suffered a lot during the last week =P

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With some of the colleagues

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With our very nice and cheery DD who always buy us goodies and got us our cute lil lunch pouches.

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And her cute baby ! (who looks like he’s struggling to get out of my 魔掌muahahhaha)

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The interns. I just realised we all have very different hairstyles. Reveals something about our characters no ?

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With Viv! who has been baking yummies for us

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Back in the office…

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This is where i work

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Outside of the building we started taking pics at every windows of different colours..

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And at the last window i’ve only got one word to say: HOT.

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One last pic of the colourful building.

Which we spent a large part of our summer in, working, freezing, eating, laughing, rushing, dozing off, chatting, dieting, making silly blunders, achieving, researching, gossiping, bonding and many manys.

Oh and guess what they got me on the last day:

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Giving my daily nescafe a run for its money.


22 Jul

Back with some pics ! Been an intensive weekend, filled with upslopes & downslopes, sand, mud, sun & laughter. I like.

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On the ferry to Ubin, sure feels HK-ish 😉

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Gotta love the view. Paths were rather bumpy/rocky/sandy so we gotta be really careful. $8 and we get the bike for the whole day! How great is that (although we only lasted 4 hours)

Grp pic at pulau ubin

The complete group after we climbed up this really tall tower, with our friend matt from UK. Ok this is random but check out the size of his palm in comparison to mine. His are HUGE.

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It POURED while we were cycling back, so we all got drenched. Then we sat down for coconuts haha. Ronald said mine must be like 50 years old cos it’s super tough. Both him and lix took turn to help me get the flesh out lols. Thanks guys 😛

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Us at the Jetty. The weather was so good with the breeze and sun just right. (before it started to rain that is) What better way to spend a sunday…it was certainely worth waking up early 🙂

Ok i’m off to bed now !

Sweet surrender

15 Jun


Umm this is a half-done collage of our picnic at marina barrage like…2 weeks back ? And i finally decided i’m too lazy to go back to ps to finish it up 😛 so here goes ! Pretty much summed up what we did on that sunny saturday.

And for mica’s D&D, it was yesterday once more. Thanks to lin for lending me the retro dress 😉 Some pics !


We were an hour late and still had time to take a picture in the toilet after dressing up. Tells you a lot about girls.


Our director literally directed us to pose like this.


Sweetie piesssssss


Close-up. Wearing my fake lashies but doubt it’s visible from the pic 😦


Michelle said i look like polly pocket.

Ok i shall leave this post at that. Anyway i hope 3 hours of kbox and snackers from kfc right after will not take away my voice tml.

Been reading quite a bit recently. Am rediscovering the joy of losing myself, my thoughts in books. It’s like surrendering yourself and entering another world for the moment. This is perhaps, one of the things i do that almost always makes me lose track of time.

The weather is so good today

23 May


First event at READ! Singapore 🙂 It was held at Conrad Centennial so it was pretty grand. And they gave us the cutest door gift ever ! hahaha…

It’s been a pretty interesting experience learning what corp comms people do during events and the stuff they watch out for. and my colleague is just super funny lar. Food wise, ehh let’s just say most of them LOOK good.

I think it’s been a good week at work on the overall. There’s D & D coming up and the theme is 1959…RETRO lols. So we’re gonna dress up for it, sounds fun !

Ok gonna go picnic at marina barrage with the girls in a bit 😀 Update later !

Dreaming of summer

29 Apr

Have secured my internship for summer =D will be at MICA doing corp comms. Heh working at clark quay…very convenient to go chill after work LOLS.

First paper tml, hope it goes well !


17 Apr

Hualing cheap buys back from chinatown is shiokness. Wld have bought more but tioletries ARE heavy when you have to carry them ard for the whole day heh. Ta dah !


Ok only there was a stupid auntie who kept on telling me how bad my skin is and how much i need her product which i have never even heard of. oh just fuck off. I have enough people pissing me off these days aldry.

Anyway, back to my wonderful day =) Having yummy japanese food is shiokness. Lunch with miss sexy legs hehe.




And she got me this cute laptop cover =)


It was all in all a nice day out. More next time !

I think i’m behaving like exams are already over lols.

Oh, stop overreacting.

12 Apr

Feels like i’ve abandoned my blog for the longest time. Anyway, here’s a big heartfelt thanks to everybody for their birthday wishes =)


If only i can be 20 again. When really, i’m 22 this year. So which was your most memorable birthday celebration?

I can’t believe i was late for the second time for the EL proj meeting at cityhall on a saturday morning. So hard to wake up early when you’ve been up all night editing, heh. But 7 hours of shopping after that felt damm good 😉 We are such hardcore shoppers lols.

Oh and we had plenty of yummy food too. Pepper lunch (express). Ritz Strawberry strudel. Ah Chew’s 龟苓膏 + Mango sago. BV’s 算盘子. Cute looking ‘potato chips’ on a stick. Tori-q chicken balls. Ya kun’s teh-o/teh. It was literally like 食之路口. Makes a mental note to stop going out with lei too often haha. But boy was it a satisfying shopping + eating spree.

Tried pepper lunch (express) for the first time, it was not bad, very hot and peppery (as suggested by its name) but i’m not sure if my hair smelt quite the same for the rest of the day LOLS.

Anyway been editing all night yesterday too, but i’m finally done with Superhero. Wonder what’s gonna happen to our group project though. Not looking too good. Done with 3 projects/presentation for now. Left with NM3208 and EL1101E. It’s week 13 starting tml, where has all the time gone to ??!

Ok it’s time to clear the mess of wires and papers on my desk before i start coming up with my revision plan.

Before i go off, here’s a postsecret to share. Caught my eye among all the others. Well, it is true to a certain extent, ain’t it 😉 ?
