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The Climb

15 Jul

It’s been exactly 2 weeks since we came back from our Mount Kinabalu expedition. And I just have to blog about this because I consider it one of my biggest achievement in life – one in which I really tested both my physical limits and mental will. And I’m so glad I did it together with B.


A pic of us – 200m away from the summit, in our matchy superdry jacket, kronos pants and adidas trekking shoes. Unfortunately, the weather was rather misty so even those who climbed to the top didn’t manage to catch the sunrise. We decided not to venture the last treacherous 200 M (for fear that I won’t be able to make it down even if I can clamber my way up – we were told the last 100m is a scary 60 degree climb). I admit it was a bit of a letdown, not climbing to the peak and seeing the sunrise (not that any could be seen anyway) but I’m terribly proud of us for making it this far as inexperienced and undertrained climbers.

Anyway, just a little account of our climb. Mount K’s summit, Low’s peak is 4,095m above sea level (now compared that to Bukit Timah which stand at a mere 163.63m). There are several rest huts along the way up, with a resthouse at Laban Rata where most climbers spend a night staying over before attempting the climb to the summit. We started our climb slow and steady at 9+am in the morning and it was all greenery and rocks on our way up. We stopped to catch our breath every now and then and it got more chilly the higher we went. The extra sweater B brought for me really did come in handy and I pulled it on at our ‘lunch’ stop. We had our packed lunch (sandwiches and bananas) before continuing our climb. Oh and there were inquisitive squirrels scuttling about at almost every stop! They were friendly creatures looking for some extra food haha.







We reached Laban Rata Resthouse at 2+pm in the afternoon – a relatively fast timing of 4hrs and 45mins! After taking a breather and a small nap, dinner was served at 430pm. Speaking of which, the food provided was really quite delicious. Thankfully it was so, because there were no other food choices there anyway. And fortunately, the altitude didn’t get to me too much. Apart from the annoying headache (from lying in bed and trying to get to sleep at 7pm) that plagued me during the night on our shaky double deck bed, I was doing good and actually have appetite for food served at the cookhouse. By the way, the bed was sooooooo shaky that if either of us moved an inch, the other can feel it! It’s kindda like being on a double deck sampan lols. I thought it was kindda cute though, how both of us can’t fall aslp and B grappling in the dark to ‘see me’ and keeps reaching his hands up to the upper deck to feel for mine 🙂


Us, wide awake at 2am to get ready for the summit climb in the dark. It was very endearing of B when he holds me as I was climbing down from the top deck (knowing how clumsy I can be sometimes :P) After a short ‘supper’, we were all geared up and ready for the venture out in the dark! It started with a long flight of stairs, which turned into rocky paths, and then slabs of rock. And then came the scariest part, when we had to follow the white ropes and climb up. Some parts were frightening, to say the least. This is especially so when we had to step on a narrow ledge and move sideway up the face of the mountain, and behind us – is a drop to nothingness below. We had no safety harness or anything, just our guide and our belief that we just got to conquer a small step at one time and we’ll be fine.


Us, like true mountaineers with headtorches and trekking sticks! Lols. Anyway, it took us about 6 hours up and down the summit path – we started close to 3am and descended to Laban Rata at 9+am. On our way up in the dark, we could only see a short distance ahead of us and couldn’t really make out how the path looks like. But it was nice though, when we sit down to take a break and see many twinkling lights (from fellow climbers) below. The feeling is very surreal – knowing that you’re so up high and also, feeling so insignificant when you’re immersed in nature.

The view was a lot better on the way down, rather than up because as dawn breaks, we could see the landscape much better. But we were tired too, from the exertion of pulling ourselves up the steep slopes using the white ropes, frozen hands from the wet gloves, and aching legs from the climb.





For lack of a better word, the descend from Laban Rata to Timpohon Gate was PAINFUL. The way down was as painful as it was exhilarating the way up. We had our fair shares of stumbles and falls on our way down, due to the slippery, wet and uneven path (me more than him obviously). As if the torment on our painful knees were not bad enough, the rain came pouring down during our last 2 km. In B’s words, I was hobbling like an old grandmother. And I really was. At some point during our descend down, I was so frustrated and really felt like crying from the exhaustion and pain. But there was no way I could throw my hands up and say ‘that’s it! I’m not doing this anymore’. (Actually you can, just spend more money and be carried down lols) Anyway, that was not an option for me. So I gritted my teeth and pushed myself on.

Although less tiring, it was so much harder on the way down. You’ve got to be extra careful and ‘plan’ your steps so you don’t lose your footing and tumble down. Every single steps is a potential trap to make you fall and it is no joke falling down on such rocky path. It was getting to a point when I felt I needed to be mentally stronger than physically fit. I told B I think it would be easier running a 42km full marathon than climbing a mountain. The whole climb was actually about 17km up and down but 1 km often feels like an eternity. At the end of the descend, we were cold, drenched and thoroughly exhausted with SUPER aching legs. I was honestly tired beyond words and feeling feverish, in short, really uncomfortable. But its nothing a panadol and good sleep can’t cure! Though the muscle ache did stick with me for a couple of days after returning to SG, almost like a memento of our Mount K adventure.

As the saying goes, ‘It’s not the destination, but the journey that matters the most.’ It is true, in so many sense of the word. This trip to Mount Kinabalu is vastly different from any other trips we’ve went on. Some people might see this as a torture (why spend money to go through such hardship?) but I saw this as a challenge to test my limits. I think climbing a mountain is somewhat akin to life. On our journey up Mount K, there are many ups and downs. There are times when we fumble in the dark and press on not fully knowing what lies ahead, times when we had to overcome our fears, times when we stumble and fall, but pick ourselves up and just keep going anyway. This is just like life, isn’t it? And at the end of the day, it is not the final destination that really matters, it’s really about who stays with you throughout and experience the journey with you. It’s about the encouragement you get from people who are ‘in it’ with you together. It’s about the scenic views you see along the way. It’s about the moment when you rest your head on your partner’s shoulder and think, ‘wow we have really come this far together’. It’s about the journey.

Protected: And here we go again!

6 Apr

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One on appreciation

1 Feb

And today, I got reminded of the company spirit and culture again. Heartwarming, fun and endearing in a sense. Think i’ll look back fondly upon such memorable events and nice people..

Makes me wonder truly, that do people only start to appreciate and see the beauty in things when they no longer have it?

Nevertheless, I’m glad to have been part of this big family. And have a nice parting gift to remember such times by :)!


And quoting Chris, ‘Now you can really go on holiday aldry!’ haha so very timely 😉

Officially on the road

24 Apr

1 year, 3 months and 28 days. That was how long it took for me to attain my driving license. A tad long but am happy that it’s a task accomplished, at long last.

From the theory lessons, to the test, to practical lessons, to the road test – I’ve finally made it 🙂 didn’t expect myself to pass at the first attempt (though I secretly keep psycho-ing myself that it’s possible) and only with 4 points! This will certainly make it to the list of 2012 greatest achievements.

Glad that I didn’t waste my 1 precious day of leave on test day. The toughest part is really the wait – for the test to start, for results to be announced. Sheer mental torture :p I’m really lucky that road conditions was quite okay on the day itself too.

As much as I dread going to BBDC weekly for lesson, I think I might be missing it slightly now. After passing, I just don’t get as much chance to drive anymore. Tried parking and driving on the road in B’s car and I guess although the latter went quite well, I need ALOT more practice for the former :p

I don’t think I will have the confidence or courage to be driving on the road alone now, so meanwhile hopefully can get more chances to practise! *makes a mental note to start bringing my P plate ard

I still remember my first practical lesson – grasping the steering wheel tightly and driving nervously round and round the circuit at snail’s pace. It’s amazing how much progress was made through the 20 over lessons, and then poof! I’m a driver now 🙂

Turning a quarter of a century old

16 Apr

The very sweet surprise from muffins! Was caught unexpected 😛

Meet the whole family: Papa Smurf, Fat Penguin I, Duffy, Shellie May, Fat Penguin II

At Skyloft for dinner – great view! Though we sat outdoor for a grand total of 5 mins before it started to pour -_-

Indoor with our drinks – love the Granny Smith’s apple mojito

 Celebratory champagne, with compliments from Pan Pac. But i still prefer our Somerby’s Apple cider though.

Reunion of Duffy from Japan and Shellie May from Hong Kong. Not easy 😉


On  random note,

Waking up to this mms on last saturday morning made me smile.

Wonderful picnic food for our ubin cycling trip! I’m usually not a bread kind of person, but i had 4 pieces at a go. Not sure if I was really hungry or knowing the fact that someone woke up early to prepare them specially. The food was tasty, but def got room for improvements haha. It was nice though 🙂

More updates to come – on attaining my driving license (at first go woohoo!), Japan trip and rekindled passion for baking!

Haven’t, should haves, could haves.

3 Aug

I haven’t blogged about commencement.

I haven’t blogged about work.

I haven’t blogged about aerobics dance.

I haven’t blogged about how awesome cherry tomatoes with plums taste and my love for them.

I haven’t blogged about the crazy day we swam, shopped, wala-ed and end off the day close to 3am with very highly raved about inception. Mind-boggling, indeed.

I haven’t blogged about my bakes. horlick doggies and fruit cake!

I haven’t blogged about getting my first and second paychecks, treating the people i love and for the first time in my life, giving money to my parents.

I haven’t blogged about the rare but awesome night out with lin and wen, after like 3 yrs.

An evening at Barcelo’s before lin is back

After yummy dinner at Tonkichi

I haven’t blogged about being there for the exciting iPhone 4 launch at midnight, and meeting some media people.

I haven’t blogged about my recent Batam one day trip. (which really is nothing much except that we met with a weird and terrible tour group* more about this next time, had lousy seafood, did an ’embarrassing’ massage, had (the extinct in SG) A&W, and i hoarded tons of mandi lulur back. didn’t even take any pictures for the trip.)

Can i say i might get down to some of them becos life is passing by so fast these days that i don’t even notice it and might end up forgetting about what happen? Honestly, i’m afraid becos life is becoming so much of a routine now.

I have a million and one thoughts about work which i dun feel comfortable sharing here, so i shared them with my dear girls on the night out. All i can say is i’m still adjusting, still learning but slowly settling in.

Today i felt like baking cos like shopaholics who turn to shopping to make themselves feel better, i know i’ll find solace there. I can’t explain it, but it just takes the uneasiness and bad feelings away.

Am going off to read another one of the shopaholic series by sophie kinsella. Her books are darn addictive. Somehow i’ve gotten into the habit of reading before bed these days hmm.

when kites fly high

27 Apr

Till today, i find it amazing how children find joy in the simplest things. Ships out on the sea, aeroplanes flying overhead, collecting seashells on the beach, flying colourful kites and having ice cream to eat.

Everything is new, fun and can bring chuckles of joy out from them. Even the older ones smiled. But, it made me painfully aware that, we seem to be losing the ability to appreciate things the older we grow.

My heart melted when he tottered over to grab my hand to show me his newest fascination. when he plopped down onto my lap and i became his chair.

And it melted again when she wrote my name along with hers in the sand, together with a smiley face and heart no less.

The day was hot, so hot that everybody had beads of perspiration running down their forehead continuously. But i didn’t see anybody who was unwilling to play with the kids. Granted some of the boys were rowdy, but kids are still kids afterall.

It was a joy to be out in the sun with them and the day ended before we knew it. Goodbye was sad and awkward because there wasn’t much i could offer, i didn’t even dare hug her for fear it would mean much more, and i realise my ‘see you’ sounded silly in hindsight.

But ahh…sometimes goodbye is honestly one of the hardest words to say.

The end of something and beginning of another

21 Apr

So yes, i have disappeared for quite a while. But now i’m done with school and awaiting graduation 🙂 Don’t know whether it’s a good or bad thing to end school so early, well cos this is a non-exam sem for me.

Honestly i think birthday celebs just loses its significance and importance after u hit 21. Probably because nobody wants to celebrate growing older after that haha. Anyway still, i received some lovely surprises and treats from lovely friends and of cos the nicest of all being:

Thanks lin, you certainely made my day 🙂 But no thanks to the unwanted scandal it created, luckily it was short-lived haha.

And with family no less 😀

Went out for some TTTT too, finally wore my chiffon dress, feels so ladylike in it lar. But it’s just so floaty and dreamy 🙂

And what’s TTTT without some cake? This drunken raisin cheesecake is yums. Cute name at that.

Oh and i remember feeling like a boyfriend that day. Lix and li will know why lols. Anyway thank you girls for the treat too 🙂

And of cos, the very last of school. Well i don’t exactly feel v strongly about it, possibly cos uni has been such a fast-paced place and people come and go.

But i did felt kindda 不舍得 on the bus journey to school for the last class ever. Really feels surreal that all 16 years of formal education is coming to an end. You know, it’s the moment when bits and pieces of your pri sch, sec sch, jc and uni life just flashes by…ahh wells. I guess, i’ll miss being a student, that’s for sure.

We did do something funny for our last presentation though, just for the sake of it being the very last 🙂

All dressed up in colours of Foursquare – Blue and Purple. And we took turn crowning the next person who presents. The crown’s supposed to signify being a mayor, ppl who plays Foursquare would know 😉

Anyway i was worried the crown wld fall off halfway when i was presenting haha cos my head was TOO big for it.

The funny group pic. All hail the huang shang except the rebels on the right.

With pretty Jo. Don’t she look like felicia chin ???

With ernnie, who’ve been nothing short of an awesome friend 🙂

Kenneth, forever acting cute.

After which the cnm hons ppl gathered for a last dinner at NUS guild house at Suntec for yummy bbq buffet dinner. Too bad my stomach cldn’t contain more 😛

They help celebrated the april babies’ birthdays too, quite a sweet surprise !

And since i’m at that, i’ll share a little about the bbq we had too 🙂

Loves the old school vibes this photo gives off. The night of lame games i can’t get except “How many meh meh jump over the wall ? And that was a few days later 😛 I’m just really bad at these haha.

Sherwin calls us his ‘dream team’ LOLS.

And one with very tanned and pretty Mel 🙂

Honestly, i won’t say that i’m very close to the cnm hons ppl, but they’re ppl who knows how to have fun and have brought much joy and laughter when we were working together during projects. I guess that’s all that matters, enjoying the moment and remembering the beautiful memories. 不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有。

And of course, the 830am poster session the very next day. Last unofficial day in school haha. We didn’t win but…

I’m still VERY PROUD of it 😀 !!

That kindda sums up the last bits of school. And really, such a sudden ending to school makes me feel weird because there’s just this strange sense of loss.

Still trying to adjust to it, still trying to tell myself that i don’t have to go back to school anymore, don’t have to rush the 396493174301571 presentations/reports/assignments. No more deadlines, no more mugging, no more camping at the central library. Am missing school already. Not the examinations though, just the life of an average student 😦

So i’m just being a lazy bum now. Sleeping in, surfing net, going out and yeah you get the drift. Still having no luck with the Job Hunt though this small voice inside me keep saying what’s the rush when you’re gonna be working your ass off for the rest of your life.

It’s really not about finding a job, but embarking on a career you’re at the very least, slightly interested and see a future in. Maybe my thinking will change with time. But for now, just let me bum ard abit more heh.

Island getaway

30 Jan

Tixs to Bali in May are confirmed :D:D:D ! Looking forward to a laidback holiday filled with scenic view, beautiful beach, water sports, yummy seafood, relaxing spa/ massages…

Cleared out my wardrobe AGAIN today. I never got to figuring out how my clothes ‘magically’ accumulate. Aftermath of retail therapy i guess.

Baking pineapple tarts next week ! Yumyumyum 😉

And pics of our lil picnic at WCP 2 weeks ago ! Yee, you can either cope the photos from here or get from me on msn, heh, yes i FINALLY uploaded 😛

Great weather with the occasional breeze…perfect for a picnic. Until we were forced to migrate by a troupe of ants and looming dark clouds -_-

Our spread of food might not look all that appealing but they were v satisfyingly yummy ! We had Sushi, Cookies, Old chang kee snacks, Tuna & Crackers, Chocolate bun, Drinks and a UBER BIG Pear you’ll see later haha.


Told you the pear was HUGE. It’s like 50% of yee’s face. Doesn’t she look cute here with the pear ? Haha

Lovely day. Picnics are one of the nicest things to do with friends 🙂 !

I left my heart back in HK

10 Jan

There is this charm about HK that makes me want to go back again and again. Maybe it’s the people, maybe it’s the place, or maybe it’s the memories. I felt sad having to leave HK again.

HK guys are sooooooooo cute. Esp when they speak cantonese, i think i can become infatuated with them heh. i should really pick up cantonese.

Dressing up for winter is so much more fun ! Layering and boots totally makes everybody looks uber fashionable. If only there’s winter in sg…

And i finally reunited with my 奶皇包.

It was a really good family trip, despite little hiccups here and there. Love my family lots =) !

Ok sichuan’s update coming up next…+ photos !