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Endless desires

1 May

Avocado Juice is love. love. LOVE. ’nuff said. If you haven’t tried it before, PLS do yourself a favour and give it a try one day ok.

Ok anyway there’s a few places i’ve read/heard abt and REALLY want to check out, shall list them out lest i forget heh.

1. Riders’ cafe (How cool is that, they’ve got horses and stables! The deco is seriously NICE. What a beautiful and quaint place for brunch.)

2. Everything with fries (Because the fries look special haha, diff kind of cuts and seasoning !)

3. The Mushroom Pot (Becos dardar said it’s awesome. Because i love mushrooms. Because they have ladies’ night promo!)

AND digressing a little, i think i just found my dream camera.

But this beauty here. probably cost more than the total cost of my bali trip. O_o Panasonic Lumix LX-3. This really have to wait till after i get employed.

Well at least things are looking up for the Bali trip ! Can’t wait for the massages, spa, flower bath, snorkelling, seafood feast and many many more =) Time to do some serious planning.

And i have been devouring novels these days, delicious. Love being able to afford the luxury of a good read. Gonna read more when i still can !

Credits to all owners of the pictures i randomly stole =P


29 Nov

Behold my newest obsession:

Because it is just TOO pretty and fun to use. Indeed the perfect replacement for my lovely samsung clam phone in purple which died a horrible death (broken into two pieces) on me way back in JC2.

Loving my first touch screen phone very, very much 🙂 ! (Yes i know i’m kindda outdated haha)

You and I left our troubles far behind…

28 Nov

I think i tricked my brain into thinking that exams are over. Because i have the shortest attention span ever. and because i cannot sit still and study for 5 mins w/o logging on to cozycot(for clothes) and facebook(for gossips) !! Arrgh, exams be gone aldry !!

I think the more days i have in between the more i will spend money cos i’m bored and itching to buy more clothes. Was helping out at the ocip T-shirt bazaar sale (yes the t-shirt u guys bought from me…is here btw) at sun plaza earlier and it is sure tough getting ppl to contribute for charity.

Ahh wells, cannot be blamed i guess, since i’m not exactly the most generous person ard. I would probably have reacted the same way that 80% of the people did when they saw me just now.

Anyway, exciting holidays plan ahead. After freezing in sichuan for 2 weeks, will be going to HK shortly 😀 ! Wonderful, i can smell the dimsum, taste xu liu shan and visualise the shopping aldry hehehe…

And some outdated photos !

Coincidentally we’re all wearing different shades of green that day 😉 !

Okay i know this doesn’t look like it but we’re IN A CABLE CAR in Marche. Really !

Isn’t this picture cute? I call it ‘Caught in the bubble’ haha

Bowl of happiness !

Christmas is just round the corner, hohoho…

Will update when i feel like it again 🙂 ! Till then, hope life has been treating everybody good !

Red sofas at Old School

7 Sep


Caught ‘Cages’ at Sinema. First time there and i must say i loooooove the layout of the place ! It was rows after rows of red comfy sofa. We can totally lie down on a sofa each. The film was good.


Us at Old School on a friday night.


The steep flight of stairs. oh but i like this pic. Headed to Wala after the movie to join some cuhk ppl…funny how i always hear the same band play everytime i’m there.


Heh there’s been a sudden reduction in photo size cos i don’t wanna scare u guys with a BIG pic of me suddenly. This was sometime back in week 2, when mich and i still had the luxury of enjoying TTTT.


Peranakan buffet ! The kuehs looks good but they taste…normal haha.


And then it was shopping ! Didn’t get anything much, think i spent more money online recently heh.

Sigh, with the onslaught of test and assignment deadlines i won’t think i’d the mood or time to blog more. So this space might be neglected unless hmm something…exciting happens.


22 Jul

Back with some pics ! Been an intensive weekend, filled with upslopes & downslopes, sand, mud, sun & laughter. I like.

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On the ferry to Ubin, sure feels HK-ish 😉

ubin 1

Gotta love the view. Paths were rather bumpy/rocky/sandy so we gotta be really careful. $8 and we get the bike for the whole day! How great is that (although we only lasted 4 hours)

Grp pic at pulau ubin

The complete group after we climbed up this really tall tower, with our friend matt from UK. Ok this is random but check out the size of his palm in comparison to mine. His are HUGE.

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It POURED while we were cycling back, so we all got drenched. Then we sat down for coconuts haha. Ronald said mine must be like 50 years old cos it’s super tough. Both him and lix took turn to help me get the flesh out lols. Thanks guys 😛

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Us at the Jetty. The weather was so good with the breeze and sun just right. (before it started to rain that is) What better way to spend a sunday…it was certainely worth waking up early 🙂

Ok i’m off to bed now !

Where are my cookies ??

19 Jul

If there’s one addiction i can’t get off, it’s this. I succumbed today and offically become one in the sea of rebonded heads. again. The free-from-bad-hair-day mornings and low maintenance hair is hard to resist.

The 3 hours there was a breeze though, cos i had my book, phone and food with me. So i kept myself pretty occupied haha. Am loving this book, ‘Eat, Love & Pray’. What can i say? It’s just TOTALLY my kind of book.

Heading to ubin to cycle tomorrow. Everybody’s scaring me about cycling at ubin. Hopefully everything will be fine and we’ll all have fun 😀 I don’t rmb ever being there, much less cycling there before…so it’s gonna be an adventure of sorts tml !

What happen last week, or last last week, jumbled up:

Seletar reservior at night is really peaceful and nice. Pity the place’s not that accessible. Love sitting by the breakwater…reminds me of east coast, just quieter. Rochor chilled tau huay was good.

Minds cafe was quite fun, but i’m starting to feel old there among the kids. Think we can’t even overscream them now haha. We must rent the BIG Taboo for christmas party this year ! It’s just too fun 😉

AND The cookie museum has the MOST AMAZING cookie flavours. They had local ones like nasi lemak, laksa, ikan bilis and of cos the more ‘normal’ ones like yogurt and berries, ocha, rose and something. Of cos my favourite’s gotta be the rose one ! That goes without saying huh. Too bad they’re really pricey, if not i would have gotten one. Sooooo yummmmmmmyyy.

Ok i kept typing and deleting at this point. Which means there are things i don’t really know if i shld type down here. Anyway what i’ve realised is that i’d much, MUCH prefer going out with a small grp of people as compared to a large one. Unless i’m comfortable with all the ppl in the big grp, that is.

And i can’t believe work is ending in 12 days. Dunnoe what to feel about it.

Sweet surrender

15 Jun


Umm this is a half-done collage of our picnic at marina barrage like…2 weeks back ? And i finally decided i’m too lazy to go back to ps to finish it up 😛 so here goes ! Pretty much summed up what we did on that sunny saturday.

And for mica’s D&D, it was yesterday once more. Thanks to lin for lending me the retro dress 😉 Some pics !


We were an hour late and still had time to take a picture in the toilet after dressing up. Tells you a lot about girls.


Our director literally directed us to pose like this.


Sweetie piesssssss


Close-up. Wearing my fake lashies but doubt it’s visible from the pic 😦


Michelle said i look like polly pocket.

Ok i shall leave this post at that. Anyway i hope 3 hours of kbox and snackers from kfc right after will not take away my voice tml.

Been reading quite a bit recently. Am rediscovering the joy of losing myself, my thoughts in books. It’s like surrendering yourself and entering another world for the moment. This is perhaps, one of the things i do that almost always makes me lose track of time.

My fav girlies

18 May

Looking at the photos make me smile 🙂 Was a simple, but great weekend !


Us at ‘slice’ on a cheerful sunday

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Haha Li is so cute. ahem dun start to get BHB after you see this arh ! The matcha oreo chocolate sauce combi is strangely out-of-the-world yummy 😉 The animated store owner is very funny hehheh. *clasp hands together with vigour*


Us chilling out at ChinaOne on sat night. Had some beer, played some pool and enjoyed some music.


Goofy me (as usual)


Hot (and tanned) babe wen (as usual)


Great beer ! First try at hoegaarden and i chugged it like soft drink ahahaha. Nice.


LR ! You have been missing out on the fun ! Hurry come and meet us 😀


And lin oso ! Stop hiding at home and we won’t go drinking if you come, promise ! Lols


I wanna do steamboat again ! (Can somebody plan one pretty pretty please ??)

and I love my girlfriends. LOADS 🙂

Going back to black

11 May

Felt like i haven’t blogged forever. What was my last entry about ? I think i’ve pretty much enjoyed the one week of break and did almost everything that i wanted to…baked. shopped. had good food. drank. pubbed. clubbed. slacked. BOF-ed. RC-ed. Except K, which will be next week ! Oh and i wanna have another sushi making session !

Tomorrow will be the official start of my internship. Can’t help but feel the pre-work jitters, simply cos i haven’t been ‘working’ for so long. Hope everything goes well.

Anyway, just an update ! Maybe i can blog away my jitters haha. (at the same time i’m wondering how on earth i’m gonna fall asleep at 1am and wake up ard 6am) I’m such a 4am/2pm person. darn.

Yup, i finally, FINALLY got down to baking.

Mini strawberry cheesecakes ! They don’t look that pretty but taste fab ! and ahem ‘experimental’ Mini mocha tarts

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Baking is always immensely fun and satisfying. Did it with yee this time round and we headed to timbre in the evening.

Conclusion of the night: Never go to timbre at the substation cos it’s just TOO hot and stuffy. (we had wanted to go to the one at the arts house but it was closed for private event). The pizza is spectacular though, you’ll know when you see the pic. We had roasted duck + buffalo chicken combi.

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And of cos, the night wouldn’t be complete without…

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Sangria (which i recommend to all my girlfriends without fail)

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Fav beer (I still don’t think beer goes well with pizza)

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And champagne to round off the night !



Met huiqi there ! Having her post-exams celebration with friends 🙂


Too bad we cld only stay for the first set but the surrounding ain’t making us comfortable, so that’s that. But the legendary pizza is indeed worth trying heh.

Met the girls for sakae teppanyaki the next day and the only pic i got was this. haha.

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That was the starter salad. I think after that we were all too busy eating and chatting away. It was not bad, but like i forgot who said it, the chef is really, really generous with the oil. He sprinkles it like it’s water.

Headed to iluma after and chilled at coffee bean and did a lil shopping at bugis village after. Everybody’s finally done with exams 🙂

And friday night…was supposedly a stay-home-and-slack-a-lot day but ended up at double O. last min clubbing. with a dramatic episode.

We had originally planned to sit by the river but the weather is simply unbearable and we NEEDED some aircon. Heh these are reasons, not excuses.

Anyway the night was really fun and we broke our records with 4 tequila shots and 1 jagerbomb each (what with double O and the dirt cheap drinks all night). Feels great to let loose after cramming for the exams (even when i was running a fever).

The drama came when some guys were pushing their luck too far. There was a point when i got really pissed and did something quite unimaginable on hindsight. and very, very unlike me. That of which involved me pushing two guys and asking them to fuck off. They must have been shocked but then backed off soon after. like wow, i amazed myself. Must have been one of my most aggressive moment ever. Some guys just don’t know their limits.

Anyway come saturday and i had my first taste of the really really really x 100 delicious 田鸡粥 at geylang 😀 Thanks to lei who brought me there, was a great recommendation. I also found the best yogurt ice cream along the way ! It’s called yoguru, be sure to try it if you have a chance. Ahh i seem to be pigging out everywhere lols.

Today marks the last day of ‘freedom’ and i haven’t even decided what to wear/bring to work tomorrow. But i did buy myself a pretty pair of wedges for the first day of work 🙂 I must have more confidence in myself.

Am looking forward to getting more decent shoes though, cos i just cleared out my ‘shoedrob’ today. Didn’t quite realise i fancy white shoes so much (I have like 6 pairs which is white based) !

And i have finally decided on what to do with my hair. I’m not going to rebond nor dye it anymore. At least not in the near future. I’m gonna grow my healthy hair out, cont trimming my damaged parts and embrace my waves ! Hahaha…that means i might be going back to black. Back to square one.

Any further investment on my hair will either be treatments or perhaps a few years down the road, a perm ? 😉 Gonna make a change to my style.

Ok gotta go bathe so my hair will dry in time for me to turn in early ! Ta~

Epitome of Randomness

23 Apr

1. The DVD portfolio ate up so much of my freaking study week time that i think i’m seriously compromising on my other modules. Arrghhh. But must thanks dear wen for helping me out in the dvd production, making a third and final trip to her house to collect the dvds tml !

2. How can i make my eyes bigger, thighs smaller and complexion flawless ? I think all these requires effort and MONEY.

3. I haven’t baked for so long. even my friends tell me so =(

4. Awaiting my F21 loots from li. More new clothes !!!

5. Outdated pictures! Of John little cosmetic shopping with lei and her friend sueann, a crystal jade lunch(when i was SUPER late and no cab wanna take me cos i was holding a dripping umbrella) and meet up with Ash who came to visit =)


It’s a girly affair 😉


Who has the smallest face ? hehe.


Ok this must have been taken sometime last year. But i was having a good hair and skin day so why not ? Sigh i would love to have slight curls in my hair if they do grow longer. but then again i dunnoe how long it would take.



Spot the similarity. Ok anyway i swear i didn’t wear the same top to the same place (is it the same table?) on purpose. It just happened. But i look more radiant in the earlier photo, in the second one i just look cui. See what stress and lack of sleep does to you. Bad hair, bad skin. boo.


I never knew s’pore has such a beautiful nightview. Guess that goes to show how sucky my camera is.


Cafe iguana


Macho Margaritas. My first thought when i saw this giants was FWAH

Anyway, Ash was still the same hilarious and chatty guy who never stops talking. (I’ll never forget how my eyes were aldry half-closed on the ferry back to HK but he just keeps going on and on lols. That’s ash for you.) But it was good to have him back and catch up a little.

Ok, reality check. Long night ahead.