Officially on the road

24 Apr

1 year, 3 months and 28 days. That was how long it took for me to attain my driving license. A tad long but am happy that it’s a task accomplished, at long last.

From the theory lessons, to the test, to practical lessons, to the road test – I’ve finally made it 🙂 didn’t expect myself to pass at the first attempt (though I secretly keep psycho-ing myself that it’s possible) and only with 4 points! This will certainly make it to the list of 2012 greatest achievements.

Glad that I didn’t waste my 1 precious day of leave on test day. The toughest part is really the wait – for the test to start, for results to be announced. Sheer mental torture :p I’m really lucky that road conditions was quite okay on the day itself too.

As much as I dread going to BBDC weekly for lesson, I think I might be missing it slightly now. After passing, I just don’t get as much chance to drive anymore. Tried parking and driving on the road in B’s car and I guess although the latter went quite well, I need ALOT more practice for the former :p

I don’t think I will have the confidence or courage to be driving on the road alone now, so meanwhile hopefully can get more chances to practise! *makes a mental note to start bringing my P plate ard

I still remember my first practical lesson – grasping the steering wheel tightly and driving nervously round and round the circuit at snail’s pace. It’s amazing how much progress was made through the 20 over lessons, and then poof! I’m a driver now 🙂

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