C’est La Vie

8 Feb

I haven’t blogged for the longest time. And today the urge to blog just hit me all of a sudden, out of the blue.

A close colleague of mine, one I would consider a good friend have tendered and will be leaving the company in abt a week’s time. I know that’s work life – people come and go all the time. But just can’t help but feel sad about it. Maybe because I felt like i’m losing someone I can connect with at work. Would really miss the times we spent together, lunching + coffee break + exhanging latest news/gossips + being in D&D committee together..

Ah wells, so many people have left since I started work here. Sometimes it makes me wonder when is the ‘right’ time for a career switch. Someone told me not to become too comfortable..I guess I shld always keep that in mind, if not it would be too easy to slip into a state of stagnancy (is there such a word?). Am I happy with what I’m doing? Have I learnt enough? Do I want to try out something new? These are all questions I would have to deal with sooner or later.

Just last weekend, I finally plucked up my courage and went for my first ever brazilian waxing. It sure hurt damm lots, but I’m proud of myself for finally having done it. Very unused to the ‘new look’, haven’t quite decided if I prefer it this way haha. Felt like a kid again..

Peiwen’s getting married in less than a month’s time. 3rd march to be exact. The first among us girls to get hitched..so we’ll all be her bridesmaids. Have helped coordinate to settle the bridesmaid dress online, hope everybody will look good in it! Meihui have also planned for a hotel stay for pw’s hen party. Well we have certainly grown up, with some of us moving on to another phrase of life..

Will be going to Japan with Muffins on 4th march, just a day after pw’s wedding. We’ll be visiting Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka over a span of 10 days. Well we were supposed to go in late march, spend my birthday there and catch the Sakura blossoms but due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to move the travel dates forward. Well maybe next time to Hokkaido then!

The weather’s gonna be cold – the way I like it. Muffins bought us matchy ‘Michelin’ jackets to keep ourselves warm, hope I won’t look too fat in it. I call them Michelin jackets cos they’re the puffy, padded kind and really reminds me of michelin. And just remembered we have matchy Osaka tees to wear over there too! Most of the planning are done by Muffins, I have to give him the credit for that. But then again, I’m never really the trip planner, I just ‘add on’ haha. This trip is sure expensive but hope it’ll be fun and unforgettable!

Someone also burnt a big hole in his pocket for my late Xmas + early Vdae present. It took me the longest time to select the model and colour, well I hope i chose the correct one and that it’ll last me long.

I’ll be down to my last driving lesson on this sat, after which I can book my practical test date. It’s been a year plus, since I registered at bbdc. Time really flies, doesn’t it? Hope I’ll be able to get my license by my birthday or before my PDL expires again lols.

Some travel updates as well. Virgin trip to BKK (I know, the whole world has been there aldry) with Muffins in October last year. It was during the flood crisis but thankfully we came back safe and sound. Shopped lots, ate lots and had fun. The most unforgettable part must be the deep sea walking – it was an awesome experience.

Went to malacca and KL over the new year with family and Muffins. We totally stuffed ourselves silly with local delicacies while we were over there. But I think I won’t be going back to malacca again. At least not in the near future.

Have I blogged about my TW trip in July last year with Jiajia? Hmm if not I might have to backdate it..

Will be back with more updates or when the blogging feel hits again..hopefully not months later!

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