爱 都是对的。

6 Feb





That night, i really didn’t want to let you go. and neither did you.

So much has happened between us within these 1 month plus. We laughed, we cried, we talked…Remember the night when we ‘argued’, i went drinking with lix and we cldn’t find each other cos my phone died and you drank and still drove and we ended up crying in each other’s arms? We were both worried sick abt each other.

And the time when we made pineapple tarts at my house together? When you mixed the dough, shaped the pineapple and we just talked and laughed the whole afternoon? We really enjoyed each other’s company and I’ll nv forget that image of you…doing this just for me, just to spend time with me.

And when we sat along the boardwalk at keppel bay that breezy night, so peaceful and so contented. I can’t rmb what we talked abt exactly but i think i just need to remember that warm fuzzy feeling of us being together…and we headed to mount faber after where we had our ‘supper’ and drinks from 7-11.

And the few times we went shopping together when you patiently accompany me and  gave your opinions on countless dresses and shoes…you really proved me wrong on the point where i can only shop with my gfs. I know you must be tired and bored sometimes but you did it just for me and i really appreciate it.

And the night when we had desert wine by the breakwater at ecp, using cheap champagne glasses with thick ‘stems’ lols…still, it is romantic to me. We had done so much together and i still want us to have more of such times…maybe that’s why my answer was always no when you asked me if we shld be decisive abt this.

I know we face many obstacles and i don’t know what the future beholds…but we’ll work this through together, right?

2 Responses to “爱 都是对的。”

  1. linz February 6, 2011 at 6:00 pm #

    super glad for you =D

  2. samundar February 7, 2011 at 2:29 am #

    big hug!

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