Too stagnant, for too long.

9 Nov

I need to pick up something new, I need to go somewhere new, for that breath of  fresh air. Work is good in the sense that it gives me goals to work towards but at the same time it’s kindda numbing me, cos everyday i just refer to my list of to-dos and strike them off for everything i complete.

I feel like i need some form of stimulation, some form of something to make my brain work harder…at some point i actually felt like i miss doing readings back in sch, or discussing about projects for that matter.

I feel like i need to wake myself up and do some re-discovering. Why do i feel like i’m wasting time after work? Time which could have been better spent doing other things? But other things like what?

I hope i can figure out an answer for myself soon.

My world seem to have become so small, and my perspective, so narrow. And i need to do something about it.

4 Responses to “Too stagnant, for too long.”

  1. ej November 11, 2010 at 2:31 am #

    taitai-hood! lol. time to take extended lunch breaks to look for the rich man 🙂

  2. samundar November 13, 2010 at 1:11 pm #

    ting, meetup leh. monday dinner? sunday?

  3. linz November 13, 2010 at 8:04 pm #

    quit! and go on Eat Pray Love journey

  4. lolapop November 17, 2010 at 3:20 pm #

    ej: haha so not looking for taitai-hood can…

    wen: yupyup we agreed next next wk right

    lin: cannot, must earn enough first then can eat pray love haha

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