if time can come to a standstill.

12 Sep

I really do love my family very much. Sometimes i would notice mum and dad’s white hair and i just feel a kind of tenderness/ sadness because it reminds me of how much they have gone through to bring us up and give us a good home, good food and good education. And always putting us before themselves.

This is, truly unconditional love. The kind only parents will give to their children no matter who they are or what they have done. It make me feel like sometimes i shouldn’t lose my patience and that i should do alot more for them.

It scares me how time flies..it scares me that many things might pass me by before i even have time to appreciate them fully. But we can’t stop time, can’t prolong it, so i guess that’s why photos and memories are so important to us. And as i’m typing now, minutes are slipping by. How can one live life to the fullest, how can one live without regrets, how can one live in such a way…

One Response to “if time can come to a standstill.”

  1. linz September 12, 2010 at 2:12 pm #

    amen! given how fast time passes, at e end of the day u realise that nothing really matters.

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