Archive | September, 2010

if time can come to a standstill.

12 Sep

I really do love my family very much. Sometimes i would notice mum and dad’s white hair and i just feel a kind of tenderness/ sadness because it reminds me of how much they have gone through to bring us up and give us a good home, good food and good education. And always putting us before themselves.

This is, truly unconditional love. The kind only parents will give to their children no matter who they are or what they have done. It make me feel like sometimes i shouldn’t lose my patience and that i should do alot more for them.

It scares me how time scares me that many things might pass me by before i even have time to appreciate them fully. But we can’t stop time, can’t prolong it, so i guess that’s why photos and memories are so important to us. And as i’m typing now, minutes are slipping by. How can one live life to the fullest, how can one live without regrets, how can one live in such a way…


3 Sep

I do want to take back some of the things i blogged about yesterday.

Becos today made me realised just how shallow my so-called ‘unhappiness’ is, in comparison to other situations people have to face. The bad news about her dad shocked and saddens me. I really hope that she’ll have the strength to go through this tough period.

And it just sends a reminder to me about how fragile life can be.

I feel like sometimes when we get too comfortable we take people and things for granted and start to have room to feel unhappy about other things, which is so very insignificant. I felt that about myself today.

There’re many, many things to look forward to in life and be happy about. What really matters is that people you love are there with you all the while. And that you are well and healthy. And it’s really about making things you want, happen. Not whine abt how it never happens to you.

Makes me wonder why i nv realised this all along. Or maybe i’ve just forgotten it along the way. All i can say is, 平凡真的是一种幸福。We just need to learn to appreciate it.

what is it

2 Sep

i like the walks to work in the morning. The longer the better, the slower the better. It’s often during such walks to work and back home that i get to sort out some of my thoughts.

Sometimes,just sometimes, i wish i’m walking to sch instead.

Anyway in anticipation of trying out my new Creative mp3 player, i tried installing the mini disc that came in the package and got it stuck in the disk drive of my office computer. Can’t tell you how embarrassing that was. and then how i had to trouble people to help me out. Note to self: Contain your anticipation/ excitement. and don’t force things if they don’t seem to work.

Sigh just wondering, can you be contented yet unhappy with life at the same time? Am I greedy or what, i just don’t feel like i’m leading a fulfilling life. What is it that i need? What is it that i want? What is it that is missing?

Pardon my disjointedness. Now, I am going get my daily dose of Glee, before heading to bed.