Haven’t, should haves, could haves.

3 Aug

I haven’t blogged about commencement.

I haven’t blogged about work.

I haven’t blogged about aerobics dance.

I haven’t blogged about how awesome cherry tomatoes with plums taste and my love for them.

I haven’t blogged about the crazy day we swam, shopped, wala-ed and end off the day close to 3am with very highly raved about inception. Mind-boggling, indeed.

I haven’t blogged about my bakes. horlick doggies and fruit cake!

I haven’t blogged about getting my first and second paychecks, treating the people i love and for the first time in my life, giving money to my parents.

I haven’t blogged about the rare but awesome night out with lin and wen, after like 3 yrs.

An evening at Barcelo’s before lin is back

After yummy dinner at Tonkichi

I haven’t blogged about being there for the exciting iPhone 4 launch at midnight, and meeting some media people.

I haven’t blogged about my recent Batam one day trip. (which really is nothing much except that we met with a weird and terrible tour group* more about this next time, had lousy seafood, did an ’embarrassing’ massage, had (the extinct in SG) A&W, and i hoarded tons of mandi lulur back. didn’t even take any pictures for the trip.)

Can i say i might get down to some of them becos life is passing by so fast these days that i don’t even notice it and might end up forgetting about what happen? Honestly, i’m afraid becos life is becoming so much of a routine now.

I have a million and one thoughts about work which i dun feel comfortable sharing here, so i shared them with my dear girls on the night out. All i can say is i’m still adjusting, still learning but slowly settling in.

Today i felt like baking cos like shopaholics who turn to shopping to make themselves feel better, i know i’ll find solace there. I can’t explain it, but it just takes the uneasiness and bad feelings away.

Am going off to read another one of the shopaholic series by sophie kinsella. Her books are darn addictive. Somehow i’ve gotten into the habit of reading before bed these days hmm.

4 Responses to “Haven’t, should haves, could haves.”

  1. ej August 3, 2010 at 10:20 pm #

    yea sure go ahead and bake. there’ll always be takers *waves hands madly* (just no cheesecakes and rum-stuff. haha)

    when i become a proficient chef 5 months later, i might turn to baking. i think baking is such a cool thing. but its too troublesome for a rookie like me haha.

    • lolapop August 4, 2010 at 12:29 am #

      haha thanks for your support ej (though you haven’t exactly tasted any of my bakes before RIGHT lols)

      Yeah i’m constantly amazed by how you can put everything seemingly insignificant together to form a yummy creation. But then again, they say baking is more of a science than art. ah wells.

  2. ej August 10, 2010 at 12:00 am #

    hah isnt it more an art than a science? hmmmm. yes, I havent tried ANYTHING made by your baking skills. hint hint. haha

    • lolapop August 10, 2010 at 1:04 am #

      because you gotta follow most of the recipes to a T. All the precise measuring and mixing.

      It’s not really like cooking when you can aga aga you see. that’s why it’s more of a science than an art…

      And as for trying, will have chance de lar 😉

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