when kites fly high

27 Apr

Till today, i find it amazing how children find joy in the simplest things. Ships out on the sea, aeroplanes flying overhead, collecting seashells on the beach, flying colourful kites and having ice cream to eat.

Everything is new, fun and can bring chuckles of joy out from them. Even the older ones smiled. But, it made me painfully aware that, we seem to be losing the ability to appreciate things the older we grow.

My heart melted when he tottered over to grab my hand to show me his newest fascination. when he plopped down onto my lap and i became his chair.

And it melted again when she wrote my name along with hers in the sand, together with a smiley face and heart no less.

The day was hot, so hot that everybody had beads of perspiration running down their forehead continuously. But i didn’t see anybody who was unwilling to play with the kids. Granted some of the boys were rowdy, but kids are still kids afterall.

It was a joy to be out in the sun with them and the day ended before we knew it. Goodbye was sad and awkward because there wasn’t much i could offer, i didn’t even dare hug her for fear it would mean much more, and i realise my ‘see you’ sounded silly in hindsight.

But ahh…sometimes goodbye is honestly one of the hardest words to say.

2 Responses to “when kites fly high”

  1. lin April 27, 2010 at 10:19 pm #

    so sweet 🙂 on a lighter note, i would NEVER imagine you carrying a kid.

    • lolapop May 1, 2010 at 8:18 pm #

      haha toddlers are fine…will feel more scared carrying baby =P

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