The end of something and beginning of another

21 Apr

So yes, i have disappeared for quite a while. But now i’m done with school and awaiting graduation 🙂 Don’t know whether it’s a good or bad thing to end school so early, well cos this is a non-exam sem for me.

Honestly i think birthday celebs just loses its significance and importance after u hit 21. Probably because nobody wants to celebrate growing older after that haha. Anyway still, i received some lovely surprises and treats from lovely friends and of cos the nicest of all being:

Thanks lin, you certainely made my day 🙂 But no thanks to the unwanted scandal it created, luckily it was short-lived haha.

And with family no less 😀

Went out for some TTTT too, finally wore my chiffon dress, feels so ladylike in it lar. But it’s just so floaty and dreamy 🙂

And what’s TTTT without some cake? This drunken raisin cheesecake is yums. Cute name at that.

Oh and i remember feeling like a boyfriend that day. Lix and li will know why lols. Anyway thank you girls for the treat too 🙂

And of cos, the very last of school. Well i don’t exactly feel v strongly about it, possibly cos uni has been such a fast-paced place and people come and go.

But i did felt kindda 不舍得 on the bus journey to school for the last class ever. Really feels surreal that all 16 years of formal education is coming to an end. You know, it’s the moment when bits and pieces of your pri sch, sec sch, jc and uni life just flashes by…ahh wells. I guess, i’ll miss being a student, that’s for sure.

We did do something funny for our last presentation though, just for the sake of it being the very last 🙂

All dressed up in colours of Foursquare – Blue and Purple. And we took turn crowning the next person who presents. The crown’s supposed to signify being a mayor, ppl who plays Foursquare would know 😉

Anyway i was worried the crown wld fall off halfway when i was presenting haha cos my head was TOO big for it.

The funny group pic. All hail the huang shang except the rebels on the right.

With pretty Jo. Don’t she look like felicia chin ???

With ernnie, who’ve been nothing short of an awesome friend 🙂

Kenneth, forever acting cute.

After which the cnm hons ppl gathered for a last dinner at NUS guild house at Suntec for yummy bbq buffet dinner. Too bad my stomach cldn’t contain more 😛

They help celebrated the april babies’ birthdays too, quite a sweet surprise !

And since i’m at that, i’ll share a little about the bbq we had too 🙂

Loves the old school vibes this photo gives off. The night of lame games i can’t get except “How many meh meh jump over the wall ? And that was a few days later 😛 I’m just really bad at these haha.

Sherwin calls us his ‘dream team’ LOLS.

And one with very tanned and pretty Mel 🙂

Honestly, i won’t say that i’m very close to the cnm hons ppl, but they’re ppl who knows how to have fun and have brought much joy and laughter when we were working together during projects. I guess that’s all that matters, enjoying the moment and remembering the beautiful memories. 不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有。

And of course, the 830am poster session the very next day. Last unofficial day in school haha. We didn’t win but…

I’m still VERY PROUD of it 😀 !!

That kindda sums up the last bits of school. And really, such a sudden ending to school makes me feel weird because there’s just this strange sense of loss.

Still trying to adjust to it, still trying to tell myself that i don’t have to go back to school anymore, don’t have to rush the 396493174301571 presentations/reports/assignments. No more deadlines, no more mugging, no more camping at the central library. Am missing school already. Not the examinations though, just the life of an average student 😦

So i’m just being a lazy bum now. Sleeping in, surfing net, going out and yeah you get the drift. Still having no luck with the Job Hunt though this small voice inside me keep saying what’s the rush when you’re gonna be working your ass off for the rest of your life.

It’s really not about finding a job, but embarking on a career you’re at the very least, slightly interested and see a future in. Maybe my thinking will change with time. But for now, just let me bum ard abit more heh.

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