
30 Mar

It  took 2 consecutive days in a week to remind myself to toughen up. Because acquaintances just ain’t worth your time and efforts. These should be reserved for those who treat you sincerely and whom you are close to.

Whoever said one should try to be nice and please everybody is either an idiot or a moron. Because you DON”T HAVE TO.

Honestly, can’t be that hard to say no, right?




再说,强颜欢笑,真的不是我的作风。这样用力的笑,很累。可能,该是我放弃尝试的时候了。因为连傻瓜都知道勉强,是没有幸福的。有很多时候,很多事情,骗得了别人, 却永远骗不了自己。

2 Responses to “别傻了。”

  1. li March 31, 2010 at 8:11 pm #

    i used to think that i must be nice and please everyone.. now i jus follow my feelings, if i dont really wanna do it, then dont do it! but in a way, i became more anti social. :X

    • lolapop March 31, 2010 at 11:26 pm #

      Haha must see situation sometimes…just stay true to yourself lor. I particularly love this quote from my friend, ‘Never explain yourself to anyone. The person who likes you doesn’t need it; and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.’

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