My little piece of heaven

22 Sep

Curls 035

So do my curls pass ? Can i consider this option in the future? Lols

Anyway it’s recess week. and instead of doing what i’m supposed to do, i created Feel free to explore if you’re feeling hungry 😉

Attending my cousin’s wedding lunch on sunday made me realised i ain’t that young anymore. darn.

4 Responses to “My little piece of heaven”

  1. yee September 22, 2009 at 2:55 pm #

    i know how tt feels! 2 of my friends got married already, n ppl are asking me when it’ll be my turn.. haiz.. i feel old..

  2. linz September 22, 2009 at 11:18 pm #

    urm dun reli like e curls >.< unless u wanna go for e mature OL look la

  3. ej September 25, 2009 at 12:21 am #

    errrr. Aunties asking you when you’re going to get married etc. already? haha. Thank god I dun have all these nosey aunties.


  4. lolapop September 25, 2009 at 4:12 am #

    yee & ej: haha no lar nobody ask me abt getting married. TOO YOUNG ALDRY CAN. lols just thinking that in the next few years might be attending lotsa friends’ and relatives’ wedding aldry…you know, the marriageable age.

    lin: Gaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. I dun wan mature OL look !! budden most feebback from friends are that it’s nice and mature. Guess i’ll save them for few years down the road…they do make me feel more feminine though hahaha

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