Red sofas at Old School

7 Sep


Caught ‘Cages’ at Sinema. First time there and i must say i loooooove the layout of the place ! It was rows after rows of red comfy sofa. We can totally lie down on a sofa each. The film was good.


Us at Old School on a friday night.


The steep flight of stairs. oh but i like this pic. Headed to Wala after the movie to join some cuhk ppl…funny how i always hear the same band play everytime i’m there.


Heh there’s been a sudden reduction in photo size cos i don’t wanna scare u guys with a BIG pic of me suddenly. This was sometime back in week 2, when mich and i still had the luxury of enjoying TTTT.


Peranakan buffet ! The kuehs looks good but they taste…normal haha.


And then it was shopping ! Didn’t get anything much, think i spent more money online recently heh.

Sigh, with the onslaught of test and assignment deadlines i won’t think i’d the mood or time to blog more. So this space might be neglected unless hmm something…exciting happens.

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