Red, white, pineapple tarts

9 Aug

Baked again ! Pineapple tarts this time round, am quite pleased with them, having received a fair bit of compliments, so here’s some BIG pics of them haha. Guess they’ll appear again the coming new year 😉

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Close up

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And we went back for our event, NDOC ! Though we cldn’t see it through to the very last week, was quite happy to see our one month of effort materialise before us. Many thanks to eileen, who probably suffered a lot during the last week =P

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With some of the colleagues

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With our very nice and cheery DD who always buy us goodies and got us our cute lil lunch pouches.

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And her cute baby ! (who looks like he’s struggling to get out of my 魔掌muahahhaha)

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The interns. I just realised we all have very different hairstyles. Reveals something about our characters no ?

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With Viv! who has been baking yummies for us

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Back in the office…

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This is where i work

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Outside of the building we started taking pics at every windows of different colours..

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And at the last window i’ve only got one word to say: HOT.

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One last pic of the colourful building.

Which we spent a large part of our summer in, working, freezing, eating, laughing, rushing, dozing off, chatting, dieting, making silly blunders, achieving, researching, gossiping, bonding and many manys.

Oh and guess what they got me on the last day:

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Giving my daily nescafe a run for its money.

8 Responses to “Red, white, pineapple tarts”

  1. linz August 9, 2009 at 10:09 pm #

    wa lao u better save e pineapple tarts for me..look yummy!!!

    and i notice that you DO look slimmer liao!

  2. lolapop August 10, 2009 at 6:50 pm #

    haha sure have 😉 yeah but didn’t help that i indulged in late night pizza last night 😛

  3. ej August 10, 2009 at 8:06 pm #

    y i nv get to eat anything one 😦


    • linz August 11, 2009 at 10:19 pm #

      haha eejun toobad, it passed e taste test!!

  4. li August 11, 2009 at 5:34 pm #

    LOOKS DELICIOUS! save one for me lehhhh but duno when can i meet u.. 😦

  5. lolapop August 11, 2009 at 10:32 pm #

    Ej and li: No more le !! The last of it went to hm and lin today 😛 fresh ones next new year for u guys !

  6. jac August 12, 2009 at 6:40 pm #

    hey yiting, i chanced upon ya blog from ej’s and can i say those tarts look fab!! ur a great baker! haha. seems like u enjoyed ya stint at MICA. haha. i would love to work in NHB or STB someday. haha. who knows?

    • lolapop August 14, 2009 at 4:17 am #

      hey jac, nice to see u here, thanks for ur compliments haha ! I like baking heh…hmm the stint was not bad lar. Yeah go for it man, I always believe in doing something ur interested in or have passion for 🙂

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