
22 Jul

Back with some pics ! Been an intensive weekend, filled with upslopes & downslopes, sand, mud, sun & laughter. I like.

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On the ferry to Ubin, sure feels HK-ish 😉

ubin 1

Gotta love the view. Paths were rather bumpy/rocky/sandy so we gotta be really careful. $8 and we get the bike for the whole day! How great is that (although we only lasted 4 hours)

Grp pic at pulau ubin

The complete group after we climbed up this really tall tower, with our friend matt from UK. Ok this is random but check out the size of his palm in comparison to mine. His are HUGE.

ubin 2

It POURED while we were cycling back, so we all got drenched. Then we sat down for coconuts haha. Ronald said mine must be like 50 years old cos it’s super tough. Both him and lix took turn to help me get the flesh out lols. Thanks guys 😛

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Us at the Jetty. The weather was so good with the breeze and sun just right. (before it started to rain that is) What better way to spend a sunday…it was certainely worth waking up early 🙂

Ok i’m off to bed now !

3 Responses to “Rejuvenated”

  1. li July 22, 2009 at 1:39 pm #

    looks so fun!!

  2. linz July 22, 2009 at 10:25 pm #

    ting looks so cute! and havent seen lix for ages!

  3. lolapop July 23, 2009 at 12:12 am #

    li: haha yup it’s ALOT of fun. dirty fun though lols

    linz: LOLS must be my straight hair + pinned up look…lix busy w her campmates lar haha

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