Where are my cookies ??

19 Jul

If there’s one addiction i can’t get off, it’s this. I succumbed today and offically become one in the sea of rebonded heads. again. The free-from-bad-hair-day mornings and low maintenance hair is hard to resist.

The 3 hours there was a breeze though, cos i had my book, phone and food with me. So i kept myself pretty occupied haha. Am loving this book, ‘Eat, Love & Pray’. What can i say? It’s just TOTALLY my kind of book.

Heading to ubin to cycle tomorrow. Everybody’s scaring me about cycling at ubin. Hopefully everything will be fine and we’ll all have fun 😀 I don’t rmb ever being there, much less cycling there before…so it’s gonna be an adventure of sorts tml !

What happen last week, or last last week, jumbled up:

Seletar reservior at night is really peaceful and nice. Pity the place’s not that accessible. Love sitting by the breakwater…reminds me of east coast, just quieter. Rochor chilled tau huay was good.

Minds cafe was quite fun, but i’m starting to feel old there among the kids. Think we can’t even overscream them now haha. We must rent the BIG Taboo for christmas party this year ! It’s just too fun 😉

AND The cookie museum has the MOST AMAZING cookie flavours. They had local ones like nasi lemak, laksa, ikan bilis and of cos the more ‘normal’ ones like yogurt and berries, ocha, rose and something. Of cos my favourite’s gotta be the rose one ! That goes without saying huh. Too bad they’re really pricey, if not i would have gotten one. Sooooo yummmmmmmyyy.

Ok i kept typing and deleting at this point. Which means there are things i don’t really know if i shld type down here. Anyway what i’ve realised is that i’d much, MUCH prefer going out with a small grp of people as compared to a large one. Unless i’m comfortable with all the ppl in the big grp, that is.

And i can’t believe work is ending in 12 days. Dunnoe what to feel about it.

4 Responses to “Where are my cookies ??”

  1. sam July 19, 2009 at 12:55 pm #

    happy cycling babe. ive got news. he knows abt him.

  2. linz July 19, 2009 at 7:09 pm #

    “And i can’t believe work is ending in 12 days. Dunnoe what to feel about it.”

    you should be feeling RICH! LOL.

    ps. please bake! and increase the serving size.

  3. li July 20, 2009 at 6:14 pm #

    “And i can’t believe work is ending in 12 days. Dunnoe what to feel about it.”

    u shld feel happy, glad!!
    think of me! work wont end forever…

  4. lolapop July 22, 2009 at 1:39 am #

    sam: what’s happening now…you nv replied my comment leh

    lin: haha no more income coming in aldry how to feel rich. And pineapple tarts might be coming ur way soon !

    li: 1 more year before i’ll be working forever too. really must treasure my last uni year sighhh

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