Never say never

8 Jul

I said i would never cut my hair short but look what i did.

Head feels much lighter, saving on shampoo, conditioner, serum and time to dry it. BUT having to deal with bad hair days sux. Pic on the day of exhorbitant haircut. (i did it at reds) I think he took off abt 10cm of my length, but i like the cut. One of the rare times i don’t regret stepping into a salon.




enjoy2! 008

Bad thing is, it doesn’t look like that anymore. Remind me to go for some rebonding soon.

And the girls in my office are on a constant diet although they’re aldry stick thin. Good news, they can serve as my motivation haha. I think you call this yielding to societal standards. So, if you can’t beat them, join them.

Looking at commencement photos on fb feels so surreal. Can’t imagine myself in the pictures next year. Doesn’t feel like i have 1 last year left in sch. Am i aldry going on to year 4 aldry? I wonder if i’ll have that many friends to take photos with at my commencement.

Ok anyway as you can see, my thoughts are all jumbled up at the moment…so i will blog more when i feel like it !

6 Responses to “Never say never”

  1. linz July 8, 2009 at 8:00 pm #

    like e new cut!

    and dont care abt other ppl man! pls lor i dun think u need to slim down anyway at all.

  2. lolapop July 8, 2009 at 10:39 pm #

    thankie haha 🙂 nah i know i can look better heh.

  3. yee July 9, 2009 at 8:42 pm #

    wow i never thought this day will come! haha.. really cannot say “never”..

    anyway, i was looking at some fb photos of commencement, n i suddenly feel damn old.. we’re going to grad in one yr lehz!

  4. lolapop July 9, 2009 at 11:32 pm #

    heh yeah, never say never. cos anything can happen. see u tml !!

  5. li July 10, 2009 at 1:30 pm #

    i prefer ur hair short!
    pls la, dun nid lose weight la.. i need! i gained 3kilos after working for only 2 mths..

  6. ej July 10, 2009 at 8:03 pm #

    (to yee and li and lola)

    Haha. Old Women’s Club lol.

    (sings a silly tune)


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