Lo and behold

22 Jun

I think i’ve kindda lost the ‘drive’ to blog as often as i used to (although that’s not very often as well).

Umm and i kindda discover that facebook destroys relationships over the past week from not 1, 2 but 3 friends. Behold the power of facebook. I shall not go into details cos they’re personal stuff and i’m really lazy to lols.

Anyway, finally got to buy the famous tanjong pajar muffins on fri. Bought some for the colleagues and some to bring home ! Thumbs up for the soft fluffy moist texture of the banana walnut muffins. Gotta love them.

Caught up on my sleep, had facial done with mum, contact lens exchanged (Thanks to dad who drove all the way down to tpy!), bought some new clothes and spent quality time with family over the weekend. All’s good…and then here comes monday.

Ok I’m going to make myself a big hearty bowl of oatmeal for breakfast tml 😀 Hope it drives away the monday blues. I’m actually feeling stressed about this task i have to complete cos i have no freaking idea how to. damm.

Lotsa meetup and dinner stuff coming up this week !

Oh this is a crap post. i just had to force myself to blog somehow hahaha.

One Response to “Lo and behold”

  1. linz June 28, 2009 at 10:58 pm #


    can u update.

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