Sweet surrender

15 Jun


Umm this is a half-done collage of our picnic at marina barrage like…2 weeks back ? And i finally decided i’m too lazy to go back to ps to finish it up 😛 so here goes ! Pretty much summed up what we did on that sunny saturday.

And for mica’s D&D, it was yesterday once more. Thanks to lin for lending me the retro dress 😉 Some pics !


We were an hour late and still had time to take a picture in the toilet after dressing up. Tells you a lot about girls.


Our director literally directed us to pose like this.


Sweetie piesssssss


Close-up. Wearing my fake lashies but doubt it’s visible from the pic 😦


Michelle said i look like polly pocket.

Ok i shall leave this post at that. Anyway i hope 3 hours of kbox and snackers from kfc right after will not take away my voice tml.

Been reading quite a bit recently. Am rediscovering the joy of losing myself, my thoughts in books. It’s like surrendering yourself and entering another world for the moment. This is perhaps, one of the things i do that almost always makes me lose track of time.

3 Responses to “Sweet surrender”

  1. li June 15, 2009 at 9:45 pm #

    i wan borrow e dresss!!!

  2. ej June 16, 2009 at 9:48 pm #

    haha well.. according to historian A.J.P. Taylor, he did find books much better companions than humans. lol.
    (are u gg into academia? hehe)


  3. lolapop June 20, 2009 at 10:45 pm #

    li: haha ask lin lar, it’s still me with though

    Ej: wah u can even quote the historian -_- lols NO WAAAAYYY.

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