My fav girlies

18 May

Looking at the photos make me smile 🙂 Was a simple, but great weekend !


Us at ‘slice’ on a cheerful sunday

slice 2

Haha Li is so cute. ahem dun start to get BHB after you see this arh ! The matcha oreo chocolate sauce combi is strangely out-of-the-world yummy 😉 The animated store owner is very funny hehheh. *clasp hands together with vigour*


Us chilling out at ChinaOne on sat night. Had some beer, played some pool and enjoyed some music.


Goofy me (as usual)


Hot (and tanned) babe wen (as usual)


Great beer ! First try at hoegaarden and i chugged it like soft drink ahahaha. Nice.


LR ! You have been missing out on the fun ! Hurry come and meet us 😀


And lin oso ! Stop hiding at home and we won’t go drinking if you come, promise ! Lols


I wanna do steamboat again ! (Can somebody plan one pretty pretty please ??)

and I love my girlfriends. LOADS 🙂

3 Responses to “My fav girlies”

  1. lix May 18, 2009 at 1:58 pm #

    the dessert looks so nice! when is our next outing??

  2. li May 18, 2009 at 11:13 pm #

    haha I NOE I AM CUTEEEEEE~~~~

  3. lolapop May 21, 2009 at 12:49 am #

    Lix: haha i’ll be seeing you tmrrrrrrrrrr !

    Li: LOLS u mean BHB 😛

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