What a night

20 Oct

Alright, i have NOT done anything productive over the weekend. A whole day out on saturday was spent on shopping and “chilling out”. Ok we didn’t end up chilling out, so i’ll talk about what we did instead.

Our first destination was actually Dempsey but after exploring the place for a while we kindda found it too quiet, too peaceful, too POSH. haha, poor students like us can’t even afford to step in. There was a live singer at Ben & Jerry’s but we cldn’t even get a seat cos it was full house ! Conclusion: Good place for dates, not good for having fun.

So we ended up heading towards Clark quay. Stopped by Tcc to grab a bite first cos we were both HUNGRY. Looks like skipping dinner didn’t work out cos i had a sandwich there at 12am. AND the stupid waitress tried to trick us into paying more for iced water. All i did was ask for iced water and she asked whether we prefer mineral or sparkling water. So i was like huh, since when do we have a choice of iced water, aren’t they just tap water with a few piece of lemon inside ?

Note that i did ask her whether we have to pay for the iced water and she didn’t answer my question. All she did say was they have two choices of water for their customers, mineral or sparkling. So fine we chose sparkling, with much doubt. Then when the water was served, they came in glass bottle and glasses with a piece of lemon wedge. So i was thinking, this is damm weird. All the customers ard were having the normal iced water with no frills and there we were having such premium water for free ?? So i didn’t touch it and we checked with the waitress again. Once again she was giving irrelevant comments and all i wanted to know was do we need to PAY for them. And finally she said YES. so i asked her to take it back.

stupid woman.

Not to mention there were two girls beside us who took the longest time to decide (ok one of them) her drink. That’s ok you say. But she actually got the waiter to explain the different drinks to her and said brainless things like “i don’t want the drink to keep me awake…” or whatever shit. It went on for quite a while, with different waiter coming to take order and she kept putting it off. *rolls eyes* Why are there such irritating people ard ?

Anyway, on a more positive note, all these didn’t spoil our mood for the night ahead. heh heh. So, our chilling out end up with us clubbing at chinaone. Haha…but the music is so good you can club without drinks lols. They have a fabulous live band which absolutely drives the crowd wild. And no cover ! How perfect. The only thing was that the dancefloor was small and we had to keep guarding our bags.

OH to digress a little, i didn’t now MOS is closed now ! Wonder what happened to the club. But i don’t really care. so forget it lols.

This guy at Chinaone totally made us laugh our heads off. He dances like he’s high on drugs and his movements are just super hilarious. I can’t even describe it in words. There were many expats around too and some went really crazy. Waving/throwing slippers in the air, carrying people up and all. Kindda reminds me of the mexicans back at CUHK. The wild, wild scene at the bus stop late at night. I guess it’s in their culture.

There was mr old expat who tried to hit on lei. There was mr nice who helped us take a photo and kept a look out for our bags. There was mr friendly who asked if he could join us for a while. There was mr sneaky who tried to touch me but i swipe his dirty hand away. Mr friendly later offered to get his friend to drive us back. And by then, lei’s aldry seh. Of course that invitation was turned down with a smile. There’s always the trusty cab.

What a night. Chinaone’s a place worth going back to though. With more people, that is.

Sunday, was simply spent slacking and slacking away. family dinner and went to walk ard a bit at bukit panjang plaza. Bro’s leaving for China tml, for one and a half months. Reminds me of HK summer sch, just that they don’t have as much freedom haha. Think i’ll miss his noisy banter though.

Alrite, i’m off now ! Two 21st coming up soon, and both are my dear friends. Hope the parties would turn out good. Been pmsy of late and every little thing seems to irritate me arrgh. Well, blame the hormones. =P Ok more updates later…

2 Responses to “What a night”

  1. linz October 20, 2008 at 1:06 pm #

    clubbin monster! bad influence on ppl! hahahaha

  2. lolapop October 20, 2008 at 7:08 pm #

    hahaha ehh not i jio her one. is she jio me okae lols.

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