So be it

17 Oct

Maybe it’s the frustration of not being able to churn out much after spending a whole day conceptualising. Maybe it’s pms ?

People who have a tendency to feel sorry for themselves makes me want to retch in disgust. What is this “I’m so alone I’m so sad” shit all about ? I never thought that guys are weaker than girls when it comes to matters of the heart. But people ard me are proving me wrong.

Can’t you just get a life and be happy by yourself for the moment ? Seriously people like that makes me go wtf sometimes. I listen, i empathise, i encourage, i care, but if you’re not going to pick yourself up eventually, so be it. You don’t deserve my time.


2 Responses to “So be it”

  1. li October 17, 2008 at 4:21 pm #

    u finally lost ur patience with J…~

    u noe who am i refering to rite.. u have so many J friends..

  2. linz October 20, 2008 at 2:00 am #

    ” im so sad and sorry for myself, im so lonely, so desperate for company” wahahahahah quick call me a loser =p

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