Just for a while

15 Oct

Tonight, i think i can finally choose to sleep early. After spending the last 2 nights fervently designing for my assignments, i realised how nothing seems to work out when you don’t have a clear idea in mind. But when you do, everything automatically falls in place. And this, can take ONE whole freaking day.

Don’t get me wrong, i’m not complaining. It’s just that although i love the work, it torments me to no end sometimes. Love-hate relationship, but — mostly love i think. Although my design pieces are far from perfect, although they are amateurish/common/conventional, i take pride in them.

It’s especially hard when you spend so much time and effort on a design, just to have people react negatively to it. Either they don’t understand it/don’t like it or just think it’s weird. Well, i mean who doesn’t wish to receive affirmation for their art piece ? But then of course, negative comments are more often than not, the more useful ones. Cos they push you to improve, and better your design.

I appreciate all comments because that means people actually take time to look at your work, evaluate it and give you their take on it. Comments are valuable and i don’t think you’ll get them much in the working world. I guess nobody will have time for anybody and it’s either used or discarded like trash in the bin.

Aaahh before i go further (and it is getting rather monotonous), i shall move on to something more interesting.

There were celebration of two 21st last week ! One of E’s at this chinese restaurant which serves quite yummy “home-cooked” food on wed. It was quite a simple affair and well i guess it didn’t help that there are always people who agrees AND THEN choose to pangseh at the last minute becos of funny(read: crap) reasons. Seriously, why agree in the first place then ? If this is too insignificant to fit into your busy schedule then just forget it. I don’t like this, not a bit. But we did have a good laugh over dinner, mainly due to my ever-cheerful and animated dar dar haha.

Liqi’s birthday party on sat…was like a mini HK ppl gathering. Her hair was done really beautifully that day, love those bouncy curls ! And as usual, the host was busy entertaining different group of friends so we pretty much entertained ourselves. Had to fly off to meet J for House Bunny after the birthday girl blew out the candles on the cake and took group photos. J better appreciate it haha. What can i say about the movie ? Very typical dumb blonde stereotype lar, but some parts are really funny. So it was not bad on the overall.

Anyway, 8am class tomorrow ! And i gotta make up for lost sleep, so it’s off to bed now. Tata !

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